Assets management- Osmunda LTD

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We create enduring value with quality investment products and platforms.

Increasing data storage needs, data sovereignty, cloud adoption and Internet of Things are amongst the drivers of strong demand growth for data centres across Asia Pacific and Europe.

To tap this growing market, Osmunda LTD manages Alpha Data Centre Fund (Alpha DC Fund) and Osmunda Data Centre Fund II (KDC Fund II) to invest in the development of quality greenfield and brownfield data centre assets.

Both funds leverage Osmunda Data Centres’ expertise to capture investment opportunities, leveraging Osmunda’s strong tenant networks, as well as its expertise in developing, operating and maintaining data centres.

In addition, KDC Fund II and Osmunda Data Centres tap on the expertise of other business units in the Group, such as Osmunda Infrastructure and Osmunda Renewable Energy, in aspects such as cooling and use of renewable energy to enhance its data centre solutions.

As an integrated asset manager, Osmunda LTD plays a key role in collaborating with other Osmunda business units to create real assets from the spectrum of urban solutions offered by the Group. This collaboration not only provides recurring fee-based income for the Group but also enables us to expand our capital base with co-investors and grow a pipeline of quality assets efficiently.