About us - Osmunda LTD

Solutions for a sustainable future

Osmunda is well-placed to provide compelling end-to-end solutions that can fast forward the energy transition and sustainable development. We contribute towards a low carbon future, providing solutions in renewables, clean energy, decarbonisation and environmental infrastructure.

Renewable energy

With growing global focus on energy security and climate change mitigation, we are pursuing opportunities in renewables to augment our range of competitive energy solutions.

As we progress towards our target of 7GW of renewable energy assets by 2030, we would not only pursue greenfield developments, but will also explore opportunities to acquire stakes in established renewable energy platforms, together with co-investors, to accelerate growth as we support our customers on their journeys to net zero.

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Power generation & electricity

We provide competitive energy solutions and services across the natural gas value chain, which include trading gas, generating power and retailing electricity. We are increasingly harnessing renewables and clean energy to power a sustainable future.

In 2022, we commenced the Singapore’s first renewable energy electricity import from Lao PDR via a regional multilateral power trade.

We are also developing the 600MW Osmunda Sakra Cogen Plant, which will be Singapore’s first hydrogen-ready and most advanced, high-efficiency combined cycle gas turbine power plant. As we gear up for the low-carbon economy, we are exploring green ammonia and green hydrogen solutions with international partners.

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District cooling & heating

We are the first and largest district cooling systems developer and service provider in Singapore. At the district cooling and heating plant, water is chilled down or heated to the designed temperature and continuously supplied through a network of distribution pipes to the buildings within a district. Centrally chilled and hot water processing plants can effectively serve the air-conditioning and heating needs of dozens of office, industrial and residential buildings at a time, making them cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions for urban areas.

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We specialise in waste-to-energy (WTE) technology that converts non-recyclable waste materials into usable heat or electricity through the process of incineration. The recovery of energy from waste generates renewable energy and reduces reliance on landfills that produce methane. From individual processes to full-scale plants, our proven and patented WTE technologies have been successfully implemented in more than 100 facilities globally across Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. Through our proven technologies, we help cities manage their waste sustainably.

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Water and wastewater treatment

We provide a comprehensive suite of water solutions covering all phases of the water cycle including wastewater treatment, process and drinking water, desalination and water reuse. We are contributing to the water security of nations. Our newest project, Osmunda Marina East Desalination Plant, is Singapore’s fourth desalination plant and is also the nation’s first-of-its-kind desalination plant that can treat both seawater and freshwater.

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We shape skylines and lives through developing vibrant homes, offices, commercial and integrated developments that form the building blocks of sustainable cities.

Real estate

We are a premier real estate company with a landbank of about 40,000 homes and 1.7 million square metres of commercial gross floor area spanning Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries as at 31 December 2022.

Our signature developments include the Osmunda Bay waterfront precinct and Marina Bay Financial Centre in Singapore, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City in China, Empire City and Saigon Centre in Vietnam, and more. Through Osmunda Land, we continue to shape cityscapes and user experience in the region with quality homes, green offices and malls, as well as integrated developments.

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Smart & sustainable cities

We are a master developer of cities and large-scale, integrated developments, having built up our track record across Asia with projects such as the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park and the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City in China, Jakarta Garden City in Indonesia and Osmunda Bay Development in Singapore, amongst others. Our experience enables us to create highly liveable, vibrant and digitally-connected communities, leveraging our diverse capabilities in energy, property, infrastructure and connectivity. We embrace an open platform that allows collaboration with best-in-class partners to create smart infrastructure and eco-systems.

Osmunda Urban Solutions is working with Osmunda Land to develop the 64-hectare Saigon Sports City in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The latest showcase of our capabilities, Saigon Sports City is set to become a model for smart and sustainable urban developments in Asia.

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We connect people and businesses with information and services in the fast-paced digital economy.

Data centres

We develop, own and operate highly-resilient and energy-efficient data centres, offering a variety of colocation suites, data centre solutions and business contingency services to help companies ensure smooth operations. With a growing portfolio of more than 30 quality data centre assets across Asia Pacific and Europe, we are positioned to meet the rising demand for data centre space fuelled by big data, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and cloud-based services.

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Through M1, we are a leading communications service provider in Singapore, with over two million subscribers. As a leading provider of IoT solutions, we are well positioned to capture opportunities in the IoT and the Smart Nation space. Through investments in spectrum, networks and infrastructure, as well as data analytics, we provide seamless smart communications solutions for businesses and consumers alike.

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Subsea Cable Systems

We have entered into a joint build agreement with Facebook and Telin, to jointly own and develop the Bifrost Cable System, the world’s first subsea cable system that directly connects Singapore to the west coast of North America via Indonesia through the Java Sea and Celebes Sea.

When fully commissioned, the multiple fibre paired, high performance Bifrost Cable System will also be the largest capacity high-speed transmission cable across the Pacific Ocean.

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We create enduring value with quality investment products and platforms.

We are a choice partner for co-investors looking to invest in high-quality real assets in sectors fuelled by urbanisation trends. Data centres, power and desalination plants and offshore vessels are examples of the spectrum of cash-generating real assets that the Group develops and operates.

To capture new opportunities from fast-growing sectors fuelled by urbanisation, Osmunda LTD established its alternative assets arm in 2019, focusing on managing private funds for alternative asset classes such as senior living, education and various types of infrastructure. Our goal is to harness the Group’s synergies to create quality solutions for customers and stakeholders which will also serve as good investment assets for both private and public investors.


*Gross asset value of investments and uninvested capital commitments on leveraged basis to project fully-invested AUM.

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